Hey, I'm Dan! I'm the CEO of Plus and a venture partner at Madrona. I write the DL, a newsletter about tech in the Pacific Northwest

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Survey says... long $AMZN!

Last week, I pointed out that the tech stocks are hitting all-time highs and asked you to predict which one would hit a $2T and $10T market cap first.

Most respondents answered Amazon or Microsoft for both questions. Here are some of the reader explanations for why. Not surprisingly, they align pretty well with what The Economist is saying about Seattle as well:

  • Amazon: Multiple revenue lines in a variety of verticals
  • Amazon: Circumstances stemming from COVID
  • Amazon: Because I work there now. (DL note: nice 😎)
  • Microsoft: Cloud + disruption of retail
  • Microsoft: They are more diversified than AMZN, FB, GOOGL

The last question I asked is whether we will see a $100T company in the next 50 years. Most people said no, but interesting to think that 8.8% annual growth means a $1.6T company will be worth $100T+ in 50 years!

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