Hey, I'm Dan! I'm the CEO of Plus and a venture partner at Madrona. I write the DL, a newsletter about tech in the Pacific Northwest

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Readers' responses on Parler

Last week, I wrote a summary of the events leading to Parler's shutdown, and received a lot of thoughtful responses about what happened, so here are some thoughts from DL readers on the Parler shutdown.


DL Reader's Baby Advice

ICYMI last week we had a special DL announcement: Sarah and I are expecting a baby boy next month! I solicited baby advice from DL readers, and here is the collective wisdom in case you're curious:


🏇 Honestly not a very close race

Back in July, I asked readers which company would hit $2T first, and 90%+ of you said Amazon or Microsoft. Well, looks like we were wrong because Apple was the first company to cross the $2T mark last Wednesday.


Survey says...

Last week, Sarah and I had a bet on which option would be most popular. I said B because people want variety, but on an upward trajectory. She said D because startup people like hockey sticks. Turns out we were both right!