Hey, I'm Dan! I'm the CEO of Plus and a venture partner at Madrona. I write the DL, a newsletter about tech in the Pacific Northwest

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Geekwire wrote a couple of in-depth articles last week on Brian Hall, a marketing executive who left AWS to join Google Cloud. Basically, he left Amazon in March, started at Google in April, and Amazon filed a lawsuit alleging he violated his non-compete agreement in May.

People are paying attention to this case because it’s the first time Amazon has tried to enforce a non-compete for a marketing leader (vs. product, engineering, and sales execs) and also because (at least for the DL) Brian had some pretty funny social posts regarding his “VP in Purgatory” status.

It’s not that hard to understand both sides here. Companies don’t want former employees to share all of their secrets with their new employers, and companies want to hire experienced people who have “done it before.” I’m 100% sure non-competes slow down innovation, but I also don’t think it’s so black and white that they are always bad. What are your thoughts?

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